Live with Purpose and Joy


Live with Purpose and Joy

Who is it for?

This is for working parents who are busy meeting everyone else’s needs and feel like a robot with no purpose or joy and want more time for themselves without anyone in their family missing out.

What is it?

Is your life inspired by the requests and demands of others? Or a reflection of what matters most to you? You can’t have more time if you are not managing your energy.  The activities that fill your day can energise you or suck the life out of you.  We start with Life Design – hello Purpose.

Is your work inspired by the requests, demands and rewards of others or a true reflection of what matters most to you?  You can’t have more energy if you don’t manage your time.  Chances are that what you are good at takes up too much time and leaves you flat.  Job design is next.

Do you want more time and energy for you?  You can’t have more time and energy without managing yourself.  An inspired individual takes responsibility for meeting their own needs and is guided by their values.  Oh and they have no problem with boundaries and can navigate them constructively with grace.  We finish with Self Design and Hello Joy!

All programs include 1:1 and group coaching primarily delivered by zoom and some time in the room.

What does it cost?

AUS $2,997

What are people saying about working with Brian?

“Brian is a wonderful coach to work with.
He really takes the time to understand your unique needs, talents, and aspirations, and provide you the necessary tools and strategies to take your life to the next level. Thanks again Brian.”

“Brian really helped me to achieve clarity and direction at a time when I needed it most. He has an innate ability to help you realize what is important and where you want to go.”

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Live with Purpose and Joy

Who is it for?

This is for working parents who are busy meeting everyone else’s needs and feel like a robot with no purpose or joy and want more time for themselves without anyone in their family missing out.

What is it?

Is your life inspired by the requests and demands of others? Or a reflection of what matters most to you? You can’t have more time if you are not managing your energy.  The activities that fill your day can energise you or suck the life out of you.  We start with Life Design – hello Purpose.

Is your work inspired by the requests, demands and rewards of others or a true reflection of what matters most to you?  You can’t have more energy if you don’t manage your time.  Chances are that what you are good at takes up too much time and leaves you flat.  Job design is next.

Do you want more time and energy for you?  You can’t have more time and energy without managing yourself.  An inspired individual takes responsibility for meeting their own needs and is guided by their values.  Oh and they have no problem with boundaries and can navigate them constructively with grace.  We finish with Self Design and Hello Joy!

All programs include 1:1 and group coaching primarily delivered by zoom and some time in the room.

What does it cost?

AUS $2,997

What are people saying about working with Brian?

“Brian is a wonderful coach to work with.
He really takes the time to understand your unique needs, talents, and aspirations, and provide you the necessary tools and strategies to take your life to the next level. Thanks again Brian.”

“Brian really helped me to achieve clarity and direction at a time when I needed it most. He has an innate ability to help you realize what is important and where you want to go.”

Live with Purpose and Joy

Who is it for?

This is for working parents who are busy meeting everyone else’s needs and feel like a robot with no purpose or joy and want more time for themselves without anyone in their family missing out.

What is it?

Is your life inspired by the requests and demands of others? Or a reflection of what matters most to you? You can’t have more time if you are not managing your energy.  The activities that fill your day can energise you or suck the life out of you.  We start with Life Design – hello Purpose.

Is your work inspired by the requests, demands and rewards of others or a true reflection of what matters most to you?  You can’t have more energy if you don’t manage your time.  Chances are that what you are good at takes up too much time and leaves you flat.  Job design is next.

Do you want more time and energy for you?  You can’t have more time and energy without managing yourself.  An inspired individual takes responsibility for meeting their own needs and is guided by their values.  Oh and they have no problem with boundaries and can navigate them constructively with grace.  We finish with Self Design and Hello Joy!

All programs include 1:1 and group coaching primarily delivered by zoom and some time in the room.

What does it cost?

AUS $2,997

What are people saying about working with Brian?

“Brian is a wonderful coach to work with.
He really takes the time to understand your unique needs, talents, and aspirations, and provide you the necessary tools and strategies to take your life to the next level. Thanks again Brian.”

“Brian really helped me to achieve clarity and direction at a time when I needed it most. He has an innate ability to help you realize what is important and where you want to go.”